

„We, the members of the National Judicial Council established on 30 January 2018, declare that in our function representingthe judiciary that elected us democratically,we intend toact in order to ensure impartial justice based on the independence of the judiciary.

In fulfilment of our constitutional obligations our first priority is the enforcement of lawfulness, predictability and professionalism in the judicial administration.

Weshall represent the values of the rule of law and Hungarian judiciaryalsoin our international relations.

In the course of the supervision of the central management we are committed to facilitate high quality, effective and timely adjudication by transparent decision-making, sincere dialogue and the cooperation oflegal professions.”


Established on 30 January 2018:The mandate of the members and deputy members of the National Judicial Council lasts for 6 years from the date of their election. The membersof NJC are elected by the delegates’ conference from its 130 members by secret ballot.

Representing a democratically voting judiciary: The delegates of the Curia, the regional courts of appeal, regional courts and district courts are represented atthe meeting of the delegates according to a quota. Delegates may be proposed by any judge, delegates are elected by the assembly of judges by secret ballot. Judges with at least 5 years of service who are not subject to disciplinary procedures or disciplinary sanctions may be electedas delegates.

Impartial justice based on the independence of judiciary:the independence of judges and courts as the third branch of poweris laid downby the Fundamental Law, and by the act on the organisation and managements of courtsenacted as cardinal law. The independence and
impartiality of the judiciary is stated as one of the fundamental pillars in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

Lawfulness, predictability and professionalism: On the basis of the feedback received from the judges and based on the record of the past six years, the newly elected members of the National Judicial Council consider the lawfulness of the central management, the predictability of management decisions and the enforcement ofprofessionalism in these decisions as its primary tasks.

Our international relations: NJC is a member of the European Network of Councils for the Judiciary (ENCJ) established in 2004. ENCJ supports the judiciary of the EU member states in preserving their independence. NJC is a founding member of the Balkan and Euro-Mediterranean Network of Councils for the Judiciary established in 2014.It is important to note and take into account that Hungarian legal history and legal doctrine have values that are recognised also outside of Hungary.

Supervision of the central management: under the Fundamental Law of Hungary, the National Judicial Council shall supervise the central management of courts. The President of the National Office for the Judiciary is responsiblefor the central tasks of the management of courts.

Transparent decision-making: it is important that a body elected by judges and acting as a body exercisingpublic authority shouldoperate in a transparent manner.

Sincere dialogue and the cooperation of legal professions: To guarantee independent, efficient and timely justice is the joint responsibility of all stakeholders in the judicial sector. Meetings of the National Judicial Council shall be attended by the Minister responsible for justice, the Prosecutor General, the President of the National Office for the Judiciary, the President of the Hungarian Bar Association, the President of the Hungarian Chamber of Notaries Public and the President of the Hungarian Association of Judges in a consultative capacity.