

  1. Annual meeting schedules

Scheduled agenda items for the 1st semester of 2018:

Submissions related to the operation of NJC

  • ensuring the operation conditions of NJC, amendment of the organisational and operational rules
  • deregulation of the resolutions and recommendations of NJC
  • code of conduct of the NJC office

Reports, assessments:

  • discussion of the semi-annual report of the president of NJC
  • approval of the report of the President of the Service Court
  • approval of the report of the President of the Executive Disciplinary Court
  • assessment of the 2019 budget plan and the report regarding the execution of the budget
  • the practice of the president of NJC and the Curia regarding the evaluation of the tenders of the judges and the judicial leaders
  • assessment of the submission on the conditions and the rate of the other benefits


  • examination on the practice of the invalidation of the tenders of the judges and the judicial leaders (answering the questions asked by the Assembly of the Judges of the Budapest Capital Regional Court and the Győr Regional Court of Appeal)
  • examination on the performance of the obligation of the President of NJC regarding the investigation of the judicial leaders
  • examination on the performance of the obligation of the President of NJC regarding the measurement of the judicial workload and the determination of the national workload
  • discussion of the experiences and the lessons learned of the introduction of the electronic filing
  • examination on the practice of the President of NJC regarding the assignment of the judges in NJC, the appointment of a judge, assignment of central administrative tasks


  • donation of appreciations for judges and judicial staff


Scheduled agenda items for the 2nd semester of 2018:

Submissions related to the operation of NJC

  • proposal on the amendment of Act CLXI of 2011 on the organisation and administration of courts (Court Organisation Act)
  • amendment of the NJC resolution on the donation of the Andor Juhász Prize
  • briefing on the international relations of NJC
  • code of conduct of the NJC Office
  • drawing up the annual budget proposal of NJC

Reports, assessments:

  • discussion of the semi-annual report of the president of NJC
  • report on the execution of the 2017 annual budget of the courts
  • assessment of the submission on the conditions and the rate of the other benefits


  • examination on the practice of the President of NJC regarding the assignment of the judges in NJC, appointment of a judge, assignment with central administrative tasks
  • examination on the practice of the dismissals made by NJC in case of conflict of interest concerning the judicial leaders


  • discussion of the education plan 2019 of the Hungarian Academy of Justice


  1. Summaries and reports of meetings

Summaries of some NJC meetings are also available in English language:



  1. Press releases and statements


The following press releases, statements and publications are also available in English language: