The Constitutional Court holds that, as of now, the conditions for hearing the National Judicial Council are not met in the proceedings initiated by the President of the Curia

The Constitutional Court holds that, as of now, the conditions for hearing the National Judicial Council are not met in the proceedings initiated by the President of the Curia


President of the Curia dr. VARGA Zs. András challenged the Code of Judicial Ethics before the Constitutional Court.

The National Judicial Council, by its decision No.63/2022. (IX. 7.) OBT, asked the President of the Constitutional Court that in the proceedings for the constitutional review of the Code the decision be brought after the personal hearing of the representatives of the National Judicial Council. Moreover, the National Judicial Council informed the Court that it agrees with the amicus curiae filed by Amnesty International Magyarország, the Eötvös Károly Institute, the Hungarian Helsinki Committee and the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union on 8th July 2022.

In his response (see the attachment) Judge at the Constitutional Court dr MÁRKI Zoltán informed the National Judicial Council that, as of now, the conditions for the hearing are not met.

The National Judicial Council regrets this approach and hopes that the Constitutional Court will be willing to hear the agruments of the self-governing body of the judiciary, which drafted the Code, in the proceedings of the constitutional review.